Every member of the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company is a volunteer. We serve willingly and proudly to meet the current needs of our community as well as planning for the future. We are not asking our residents to take over complete financial responsibility – only to help with a portion of our costs. Every donation reduces the time our volunteers must spend in fund raising activities permitting them to devote more time to training in essential firefighting and rescue skills and also allowing them more time to be with their families.
Your voluntary donation now helps tremendously by offsetting many of our rapidly rising expenses such as essential vehicle maintenance thus helping to maintain our current tax structure. These expenses are not fully covered through your taxes. This has been a major endeavor on our part and we know that the volunteer time and work that we donate to the community not only provides a vital service but also precludes the need for the involuntary imposition of higher taxes on everyone.
We also look to our community for donations of their time. Don’t think there is no place for you to contribute! We have many different areas where your abilities and skills are needed.
SOCIAL MEMBERS – help with fund raising events, administrative functions, vehicle maintenance, provide nourishment/support after major incidents and other essential activities.
ACTIVE MEMBERS – trained to perform in various situations such as fighting fires, responding to vehicle accidents, EMS providers, and much more.
JR. FIREMAN – the up and coming fire women and men who will support our community in the future. We provide the knowledge and skills to perform “Fire Company” tasks in a safe environment. Junior members are trained not only for “in-house” but also for “out-in-our-community”. A Scholarship is available to junior firemen and firewomen who achieve certain requirements.
Without the donations and support of our community all of this would not be possible. We can’t do it without your help and we ask that you support our vital work through donations of time and funds. We hope that you will consider joining our family in whatever way you can!
Thank you for your continued support of the VOLUNTEER firefighters in your community.