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Check for — and comply with — bans on outdoor burning.
Avoid burning trash, leaves and brush on dry, windy days.
Check to see if weather changes are expected. Postpone outdoor burning if shifts in wind direction, high winds or wind gusts are forecast.
Before doing any burning, establish wide control lines down to bare mineral soil at least five feet wide around any burn barrels and even wider around brush piles and other piled debris to be burned. The larger the debris pile, the wider the control line that is needed to ensure that burning materials won’t be blown or roll off the pile into vegetation outside the line
Stay with all outdoor fires, until they are completely out.
Keep water and hand tools ready in case your fire should attempt to spread.
Burn household trash only in a burn barrel or other trash container equipped with a screen or metal grid to keep burning material contained.
Never attempt to burn aerosol cans; heated cans will explode. Flying metal may cause injuries and the explosion may scatter burning material into nearby vegetation and cause a wildfire.
Stay abreast of wildfire danger levels and heed warnings and bans on outdoor burning.
Careless debris burning is a major cause of wildland fires in Texas. Everyone needs to cooperate and exercise extreme caution with all potential sources of wildfire ignition, if senseless and potentially deadly wildfires are to be avoided.